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Some of the benefits are:


1. Human beings have a natural tendency to gather in groups - Having a drug and alcohol problem cuts a person off from these groups. Or, worse, it draws them into destructive groups. The group setting in our house satisfies this desire to congregate and be a part of a group - a family.


 2. There are therapeutic values to living in a group - One is the opportunity to witness a full recovery in the life of someone who lives right next to you. Imagine the hope it gives to see someone else succeeding and thriving after a life destroyed by drug and alcohol use. Soon,very soon,their success becomes a promise for you!


 3. A culture is formed - This culture - however temporary - gives our guests a sense of identity and purpose. Relationships and social networks are developed that provide support, friendship, love, and hope. It offers a team spirit - helping one another. It happens naturally because they become a part of where they live - and they begin to take ownership of their house and culture there.


 4. We are temporary. The recoveree often gets the feeling in early recovery that the bad feelings in the beginning are permanent. We get it. We have no minimum or maximum time of stay required. This is because we know everyone is at a different point in this journey. We do ask that everyone consider staying with us for at least 90 days. They will build a new foundation that is stable and safe. A truly powerful and lasting one if you stay at least 6 months.


 5. Groups also provide remarkable resources - They teach each other new skills, help each other find jobs, offer serious support in times of pain and suffering, and they hold each other accountable. In active addiction the suffer runs from their problems. They use to bury and cover up. In group living, guests get to know each other and their moods and patterns. They push each other and probe for the exact cause. Before they know it, they are recovering!


 6. Sponsorship and/or Peer Recovery Coach is a Requirement - It is a requirement to obtain and work with a sponsor from a 12 step program and/or a Peer Recovery Coach who can help them navigate recovery. They cannot stay at Emmanuel House who do not have a one or both.


 7. Live-in management - Emmanuel House has a live-in house manager. One-on-Ones are a weekly, if not, daily occurrence here.


 8. Resources - Emmanuel House is a great resource after leaving an alcohol and drug treatment facility. Many women have challenges outside of addiction. At Emmanuel House we can guide them to a wide range of resources in areas that need attention: anger management, therapy, gambling, family therapy, and more.


 9. Justice System - We work very closely to ensure they have help in completing their obligations in the legal system. We writes letters, offer progress reports and even attend court as an advocate.


 10. In-house workshops - Emmanuel House will hold in-house workshops to build life skills, such as nutrition, cooking and, crafts by professional volunteers.

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